Many of the biggest names in financial, health and biz opp have already signed up as affiliates Your subscribers are going to start seeing Uncensored Crypto everywhere.
Uncensored Crypto is one of the biggest, most profitable Docu-Series in internet marketing history…and you don’t want to miss out on the huge affiliate checks we’ll be mailing.
And we’ve made it as easy as possible for you to run this offer to your subscribers!
The docuseries is “evergreen” and kicks off every Tuesday evening. The cutoff for opt-ins to each new launch is Sunday at midnight.
The best time to mail is Wednesday – Sunday. Monday & Tuesday are a do not mail day (otherwise your opt-ins will have to wait a full week to start their evergreen journey).
Our top-performing affiliates mail 3-6 times to promote the series. As an affiliate, you’ll be given everything you need to mail as much as you like, including custom copy suited to your niche (health, financial, or biz opps).
Over-achievers also email during the cart-close and during backend events. As an affiliate, you’ll be given everything you need to mail as much as you like, including custom copy suited to your niche (health, financial, or biz opp).
Commissions: 50% on digital sales.
Product Price: Range from $47 to $3,999
Project Earnings: Won’t see better KPI’s with any other Crypto offer! Pre-Launch Landing Page Converting at 60%+
The Crypto market is scorching, the profit potential for prospects is off the charts, the market is packed with rabid buyers, and as such, higher prices are tolerated with no drop in conversions. Here’s a little proof that now is the time to promote!
Commissions: 50% on digital sales.
Product Price: Range from $47 to $3,999
Project Earnings: $4-6 per lead is our conservative projection. Although we expect average EPLs to be several dollars higher for three reasons:
In additional to fat commissions, you can also qualify to win $38,000 worth of prizes, with $1000 Daily Lead Flash Bonus’s!
First Cookie. EverFlow Real Time Stats.
Commissions: 50%
The average order value is $360 (Almost $100 higher than our previous series). Landing page conversion rate 60% depending on the quality of traffic.
Payouts will be made monthly. Please make sure to log into your Everflow account and submit W-9 and payment details so we can pay you!
Fill out the form below with your details…
Once you do, our team will personally follow up with you to make sure you have the best marketing materials and landing pages for your channel and audience.
(NOTE: For larger lists we’re also willing to discuss exclusive bonuses we can offer your audience for registering/purchasing, as well as custom copy assets our team will craft for you).
Thanks again for your interest in promoting Uncensored Crypto, this is truly a labor of love for us. We know it can change lives and make you a lot of money in the process, so register now and get in early:
Finally, if there’s anything we can do to help please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get you the answers and resources you need!
Thank you,
Michael Hearne
CEO, Decentral Publishing