Frequently Asked Questions

What is Uncensored Crypto?

Uncensored Crypto is a one-of-a-kind docuseries with 9 incredible episodes, each diving into a different aspect of the cryptocurrency revolution: Bitcoin… Ethereum… the blockchain… DeFi… NFTs… Web3.0… privacy… and more. 

All explored in-depth, in detail, and in a simple, easy-to-understand way that requires no specialized skills,  knowledge, or experience.

Whether you’re brand new to crypto or a seasoned investor, you’ll find the insights shared during each of the nine episodes invaluable. 

Who will I learn from?

You’ll hear from 56 leading experts on the frontlines of the crypto revolution: billionaire investors, entrepreneurs, CEOs, politicians, potential regulators, venture capitalists, institutional investors, artists, activists, and more.

Brock Pierce, Congressman Warren Davidson, Mike Dillard, Brian Rose, Fred Theil, Martin Weiss, Marty Bent, Bryce Paul, the list of featured guests is unparalleled.

We convinced them to sit down with us to share their raw, unfiltered, and uncensored insights into the world of cryptocurrency and decentralization… straight from the trenches.

Who is Uncensored Crypto for?

The world of any pioneering technology can be opaque and confusing. 

We created Uncensored Crypto to be simple and easy-to-understand for complete beginners. But make no mistake, this is no primer. This isn’t Bitcoin 101. Each episode is a complete education, designed to take your knowledge from 0 to 100 as quickly as possible

Why should I buy this when Uncensored Crypto was shown online for free?

One viewing isn’t enough to grasp the secrets shared by our 56 industry insiders.

As cryptocurrencies continue their unstoppable march forward… as trillions of dollars and billions of people flood into the market… you’re going to want to revisit and review the invaluable information revealed in each episode time and time again.

Plus: as an insider you’ll get nine exclusive bonus gifts worth $2,788… for FREE!

What’s included when I buy?

Go here to see what’s included in both our gold and platinum packages [link to comparison table]

How much does it cost?

The sticker price on Uncensored Crypto, plus all the bonuses is $2,788.

However, I firmly believe the information inside this docuseries has the potential to not only change your life and your financial future, but the entire world. I want to do everything in my power to spread the word and spur crypto adoption in the mainstream. 

That’s why – for a limited time only – we’re offering Uncensored Crypto for as little as $97.

What happens after I pay?

As soon as your payment is securely processed, you’ll be redirected to a private member’s area where you can instantly access everything. We’ll also email your private download link to the email address you’ve supplied. 

Is the checkout secure?

The checkout process is secured with SSL encryption, so you can be sure your data is safe.

What if I have any problems?

If you have any issues at all, just contact our customer service team at [Email address] and they’ll get back to you ASAP.

Couldn’t the crypto market just collapse overnight?

While we can’t predict the future, a big collapse is unlikely…

After all, some of the biggest companies in the world are now using crypto. Everyone from Microsoft, AT&T and PayPal to Starbucks, Burger King and KFC are involved.

Wall Street juggernauts like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Fidelity are pouring in money. Even entire nation states like El Salvador are adopting Bitcoin. With an average of 54,000 new crypto wallets being opened every day, it’s safe to predict the biggest days of crypto are still to come. 

Aren’t the biggest opportunities already gone?

We’re still in the early days of this technology. 

The biggest opportunities are still ahead. Only 3.9% of people own cryptocurrency. That’s like the Internet in the early-to-mid 1990s. Back then, everyone was talking about the power of the Internet…yet few people were actually using it.

Within just a few years, millions of households were online. Now, practically everyone is. We believe cryptocurrency will follow the same curve, creating thousands of new millionaires and billionaires as it reaches mass adoption.

Why would governments and Wall Street banks give up their power to cryptocurrency?

They don’t have to willingly give up anything. Crypto takes their power away.

You see, crypto isn’t just a better financial system. It’s a complete revolution in the way human beings organize themselves.

For the first time since the dawn of agriculture, people don’t have to obey the whims of a centralized authority, or do business through trusted middlemen. Every deal can be done directly, cutting Wall Street banks and governments out.

The banks have realized this. That’s why they don’t speak out against crypto anymore. Instead Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have adopted an “if-you-can’t-beat’em then-join’em” approach, offering their clients access to crypto funds.

What if the government bans crypto?

There are many governments around the world that would love to ban crypto. The Chinese Communist Party has tried to ban crypto. Not just once, but at least three times. 

It never works, because crypto systems are designed to resist tyranny and control. They are distributed and decentralized, so there’s no one for the government to attack.

In an age of government overreach and mass surveillance, crypto may be the only frontier where the government is truly powerless. 

Will the masses ever really adopt crypto? Isn’t it too niche and technical for most peo

All new technologies start out as niche and technical, and that was certainly the case with cryptocurrencies too. However, over the years the technology has become much easier to use.

PayPal now allows users to buy, sell and pay with Bitcoin. A range of Crypto ETFs allow people to invest in crypto through regular brokerage apps. And a whole host of crypto start-ups are dedicated to making this technology as easy to use as possible.

That’s why it’s so important to get involved now. 

We’re at the cusp of mass adoption. More and more people are getting their heads around crypto every day. And as the technology becomes easier and simpler, we’ll almost certainly see huge cryptocurrency gains across the board.

Won’t the economy collapse if too many pople opt out of today’s financial system

Crypto is good for the economy.

With crypto, people who add value are fairly paid for their hard work. 

They receive 100% of the value they generate, rather than watching the fruits of their labor skimmed off the top by brokers, bankers and other middlemen who contribute nothing.


Should I just buy Bitcoin or go for altcoins too?

There are a lot of ways to play the coming crypto-boom.

Each depends on your own personal risk tolerance and how much time you have on your hands. 

Maybe your best bet is to just buy Bitcoin and Ethereum… maybe you should buy a basket of the newer crypto and DeFi tokens… maybe you should investigate the world of NFTs… or maybe you shouldn’t invest a penny, and instead put your time into working with crypto pioneers and help build the crypto revolution yourself. 

It’s totally up to you, and all of these approaches are covered in detail in Uncensored Crypto. 

Aren’t many cryptos a scam?

Sadly, there are always unscrupulous people out there looking to take advantage of others.

It’s happened in every financial boom in the past. It happens on Wall Street every day. And yes, it happens in the world of crypto too.

That’s why it’s important to learn all you can and go into this revolution with your eyes wide open. In Episode #8 of Uncensored Crypto, we’ll tell you exactly how to spot a crypto scam – including the red flags to avoid, and the danger signs to watch out for.

Isn’t Bitcoin mining destroying the environment?

As our guests in Uncensored Crypto explain, cryptocurrency mining doesn’t have to harm the environment. In fact, it could even help the environment.

Crypto gives renewable energy companies a huge financial incentive to build new eco-friendly infrastructure. It gives the industry an opportunity to use waste energy and improve efficiency.  And some cryptocurrencies don’t use up any mining energy at all. 

You’ll find all the details in Uncensored Crypto Episode #9

How can I buy now?

Just click here to secure your spot.