Episode Zero

Episode 0 | The Investment of the Century

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EPISODE 0: The Investment of the Century

The Experts from Episode Zero

 It’s important to just get started with crypto. You don’t need $50,000 to buy a Bitcoin, you can get started with a small amount like $50, but the important thing is to get started.

Waldon Fenster – Co-Founder of ValiantTrader.com

Buy a little Bitcoin every day so you can dollar cost average into the position. If you aren’t comfortable with buying Bitcoin you can consider investing in the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust.

Alex Brammer – VP of Business Development, Luxor Technologies

We are living through the largest adoption of technology in our lifetimes, and we are still five years away from the general public understanding how this technology will transform their lives. 

Brian Rose – Founder & Host at London Real

The “Lindy Effect” means that if Bitcoin was going to fail, it would have already. The entire industry is still in the early stages and we will see massive growth in the years to come.

Bryce Paul- Co-founder of Crypto 101

One of the greatest opportunities for cryptocurrencies are to help the unbanked. Amazingly, this isn’t just a problem in the developing world. Even here in the United States, 30% of people are either unbanked or underbanked.

Cecil Robles – Co-founder Orthogonal Thinker

Bitcoin and Cardano show promise, it is easiest to dollar-cost average into the position over time. Investors should avoid meme coins like Doge. 

George Vukotich – Educator, Innovator University of Wisconsin Parkside

Gaming introduces a whole new opportunity for low income communities to earn money and help improve their lives.

Georgia Fairweather – Founder, Georgia Fairweather Innovation

Chainlink is solving the Oracle problem of taking something that is happening in the real world and translate it to the blockchain. 

Josh Lawler – Partner and Head of Blockchain Practice Group at Zuber Lawler

A key aspect of deciding which projects to invest in comes down to the development team. What projects have they launched before? Are they sticking to their roadmap and delivering updates on time? And how active is the community around the project?

Justin Little – Retail Investor

The potential of Ethereum and the value of Ethereum increases as more and more projects are built on that blockchain. 

Lamont Black – Associate Professor of Finance, DePaul University

Hedera’s token, H-BAR, is a utility token that developers use to operate on the network.

Mance Harmon – CEO and Co-founder – Hedera Hashgraph

 Investing in Ethereum is like investing in a high-flying tech stock. There is so much growth and opportunity on the horizon that will be built on the ETH blockchain.

Mark Lack – Founder and CEO, Shorten the Gap

We are still very early in the adoption cycle of cryptocurrencies. The best way to invest in a market where you don’t know the winners yet is to place small bets on a lot of projects and let the 10x, 20x, 50x winners make up for all the small losses.

Mike Dillard – Founder of RicherEveryDay.com


The Crypto Revolution 

Discover how Bitcoin’s underlying technology is as disruptive as the internet in 1995… how it will transform almost every aspect of society… why its adoption cannot be stopped… and how to profit from this trillion-dollar crypto revolution.

Beyond Bitcoin 

Delve into the future of the crypto-verse… discover where the biggest opportunities lie and why Bitcoin is just the tip of the iceberg.

A New Internet, Web3.0

See how cryptocurrencies are transforming the internet… wrestling power away from Silicon Valley executives… and giving users control over their own online destiny, free from censorship and corporate corruption.

The Everything Revolution 

Discover why NFTs aren’t a fad or a novelty… why they could be far more disruptive than most people realise… and how you can profitably buy and sell them without being an art expert or an experienced trader.

The Rise of DeFi

Find out how cryptocurrencies are about to disrupt the entire financial system… why Wall Street banks and brokerages are scrambling for a way to survive in this new world… and how you can profit from “one of the biggest, most revolutionary technologies in the history of mankind.”

The Sovereign Individual

Learn why your freedom of speech is under attack… why crypto is the only way to turn back the tide of censorship and authoritarian control… and how you can secure your freedom and gain true personal sovereignty for the first time in history. 

Crypto Vs. Fiat

Discover how the banking system is stealing 8-10% of your income every year… an easy way to get that money back… and how the Federal Reserve has backed the US Dollar into a corner. 

The Dark Side of Crypto

Find out what’s really being discussed about crypto behind closed doors in Washington… the red flags that help you spot crypto scams and protect your money… and why the government can’t stop crypto no matter what they do.

Crypto vs. Climate

Learn exactly how cryptocurrency mining works… how you can quickly start mining for a lucrative second income… and why Bitcoin mining isn’t causing climate change and could actually help save the climate.

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