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Episode 1: The Crypto Revolution

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10-Episode Docuseries Exposes New Trillion-Dollar Mega-Trend Bigger Than Bitcoin, Ethereum, Or Any One Cryptocurrency

Click play above to watch Episode 1: The Crypto Revolution for FREE, then see
below for details on how to watch the entire 10-episode series on-demand…


  • 57 industry insiders share their raw, unfiltered, and uncensored insights into the crypto revolution. In these explosive, controversial, and never-seen-before interviews they reveal:

    What’s next for crypto… the assets they own… the risks and rewards they see on the horizon… the threats facing cryptocurrencies… how to get started… and much, much more.

  • How multiple converging economic and social crises have created a “Perfect Storm” that will send cryptocurrency adoption rates and prices through the stratosphere.

    Inflation, money printing, unsustainable debts, censorship, privacy rights, freedom of speech, tyrannical politicians… discover how it’s all fuelling the ascension of Bitcoin and other cryptos.

  • Worried you’re too late? Here’s why the market is still in its infancy… why the greatest upside potential is still to come… and how you can capitalize on it.

  • Why the dominance of cryptocurrencies is unstoppable… regulation, Government clamp downs, climate concerns… nothing can stop the inevitable rise of crypto.

  • Why Wall Street is terrified, why politicians are petrified, and why the Ivory Tower elites fear cryptocurrencies could spell the end to their reign of power.

  • Why cryptocurrency is NOT just about digital currency – it’s the “everything revolution” with the power to disrupt how we shop, trade, vote, communicate, invest, and even create art.

  • No escape: Why – even if you never buy a cryptocurrency – it is still going to directly impact you, your loved ones, and your finances.

  • And much, much more!


Uncensored Crypto answers all these questions and more. 

In this groundbreaking 9-part documentary series, 57 industry insiders take you deep into the crypto-verse.

Billionaires… former Wall Street traders… politicians… regulators… entrepreneurs… venture capitalists… fund managers… artists… activists…  

They pull back the curtain and take you behind the scenes of the multi-trillion dollar cryptocurrency revolution. 

In simple, easy to understand terms, they detail what’s really going on in the crypto markets… and what it means for you, your finances, and your future.

Because, as you’ll discover during Uncensored Crypto, what’s going on is NOT about Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any single cryptocurrency. 

As Dr. Martin Weiss says in Episode 5: 

“[This is the one of] the biggest, most revolutionary
technologies in the history of mankind”

You see, cryptos are no longer just about digital money.

They’re the proverbial Trojan horse for a far more disruptive force.

A force with the power to topple Governments; close the wealth gap; alleviate poverty; solve climate change; restore personal sovereignty; and usurp every industry from finance to healthcare. 

Bottom line: we’re witnessing the greatest technology, social, and economic revolution of all time.

And like all great technological revolutions… 

Fortunes will be made by those on the frontier. 

While those who sit on the sidelines will be left behind. 

It happened with the oil industry… the railroads… the auto-industry… the internet… and now it’s happening with the rapid rise of cryptocurrencies. 

As serial entrepreneur Mike Dillard says in Uncensored Crypto:  

“Not understanding the ecosystems and adding [crypto] to your portfolio is the biggest mistake in history so far”

So, if you’re worried you missed the boat and it’s too late to invest… you couldn’t be further from the truth. 

As you’ll learn in this free docu-series, we’re still in the first inning… as crypto goes mainstream, trillions of dollars will flood in sending prices parabolic. 

Unfortunately, most folks are in the dark about what’s about to unfold. Only an estimated 3.9% of people own any crypto. And of that, I suspect only a fraction know what’s really going on. 

Fact is: most people simply do not comprehend the disruptive power of cryptos. They believe they’re simply a new asset class. And while that’s true, it’s only a fraction of the story. 

Something far bigger, far more disruptive, and far more profitable is bubbling beneath the surface… and those who remain ignorant to what’s going on will miss the greatest wealth building opportunity of our lifetime

That’s why, at great personal expense, I set out to create Uncensored Crypto… and it’s why I want to invite you to watch this groundbreaking new series, for free!


Hi, I’m Michael Hearne.

I’m a former U.S. Marine, serial entrepreneur, and host of Uncensored Crypto.

And I’ve put everything on the line to bring this docuseries to you. My money, my time, and most importantly, the reputation I’ve spent the last 15 years developing.

It’s ALL gone into creating Uncensored Crypto for you.



The Crypto Revolution

Starring: Brock Pierce, Fred Thiel, Bryce Paul, Martin Weiss, Congressman Warren Davidson, Mike Dillard, and more.

  • How the carnage of the 2008 financial crisis birthed a new type of monetary system, and how this revolutionary new system works for you.
  • Bigger than the internet? Why Bitcoin’s underlying technology is as disruptive the web in 1995 and how it will transform almost every aspect of society, whether you invest or not.
  • The Tipping Point: Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are on the cusp of mass adoption (here’s what you need to do immediately before you’re left behind).
  • The Blockchain, Explained. A simple breakdown of the Blockchain and why it’s the only way to restore our freedom, our sovereignty, and escape “surveillance capitalism.”
  • How Decentralized Finance is on its way to becoming a $4 TRILLION asset class (and that’s a conservative estimate)… and how you can profit from this tsunami of wealth.
  • How to safely earn investment yield 67x higher by “opting out” of the legacy financial system (millions have already done it, here’s how you can too, no matter how little you’re starting with).
  • Corrupted Currency: Why our current fiat monetary system is broken beyond repair and how cryptocurrencies are the only way to restore equality and balance. 
  • 4 ways to invest in crypto: How to select the approach that’s right for you (plus, the risks and rewards of each detailed by a professional investor)
  • Bitcoin vs. Gold? Here’s the unfiltered truth about which asset class is right for you and your money.
  • Inflation is eroding your money and it’s only going to get worse… here’s how you can escape the wealth destroying impact of inflation through cryptocurrencies.
  • Government insider exposes the terrifying truth about the Federal Reserve’s “Central Bank Digital Dollar” project (and why it would be a disaster for US citizens).      
  • The Battle for Tomorrow’s Wealth & Power: Why the fight for our future is taking place on the battlefield of currencies and money, and the dire consequences if we lose.


Beyond Bitcoin

Starring: Brian Rose, Ryan Sean Adams and David Hoffman, Cory Klippsten, Josh Lawler, Juan Villaverde, and more.

  • Why Bitcoin’s returns will continue to outperform stocks, real estate, and any traditional investment, even if growth plunges by as much as 75%.
  • The New Gold Rush: How today’s cryptocurrency market is like the California Gold Rush and how you can turn the frenzy into potentially life-changing profits.
  • A Rigged Game: How the legacy financial system sets you up to fail while making the gatekeepers and Ivory Tower elites richer than Midas (Plus: how you can win by choosing the new, DeFi system)
  • Warning: This is the #1 mistake new crypto investors make.
  • How you can “Front Run” the millionaire class and potentially make a killing in crypto, but only if: 1) you follow these steps and 2) you get in immediately before this window closes.
  • EXPOSED: The truth about “Decentralization”… why most projects are decentralized in name only… and how you can spot the difference. 
  • Will Bitcoin Fail? Josh Lawler says “YES”… listen to his controversial insights for the case against Bitcoin, plus learn where he believes the future of crypto lies.
  • How to potentially bank returns as high as 50-100x – without being a professional investor, without needing a huge starting sum, and without spending all day researching projects. 
  • Bitcoin vs Ethereum? Our guests duke it out over which crypto will reign supreme in the years to come (must watch for any investor)
  • How fraudsters and shills leverage Bitcoin to “Orange Wash” their scams – and how to spot these cons so you don’t suffer a rug pull ever again.


A New Internet, Web3.0

Starring: Commodore, Jimmy Song, Mance Harmon, Jack Du Rose, Eric Wade, and more.

  • Understanding the evolution of the internet and why Web3.0 – built on the blockchain – will solve many of today’s biggest online problems, including censorship, oligarchical control, digital rights, and more.
  • Former banking insider exposes how cryptocurrencies are going to eat the multi-trillion financial industry (Plus the two cryptos that are leading the charge).
  • How Web3.0 could destroy the “FAANGs”…    
  • Why Web3.0 companies could make you, the user, rich… instead of the C-Suite executives. And what you can do to usher in this paradigm shift. 
  • How you’re being exploited by Silicon Valley without ever knowing it! (They’ve built trillion dollar companies off your back and never given you a cent in return).
  • Why Web3.0 is the only way to end “Techno-Feudalism.” Without this technology, the world will be controlled by a handful of CEO’s who can dictate reality. 
  • How cryptocurrencies are rewriting the way we govern ourselves… wrestling control away from increasingly authoritarian politicians and giving it back to the people!
  • DAOs: The importance of Decentralized Autonomous Organisations and how they have the potential to revolutionise everything from voting to corporate board management.


The Everything Revolution

Starring: Tatiana Moroz, Justin Little, Mark Lack, Joel Kruger, and more​

  • NFTs, explained. What they are, why they’re a game-changer, why they went viral, and what’s next for this $20 billion marketplace.
  • What most people have wrong about NFTs (they’re arguably the most misunderstood asset in the crypto-verse and here’s why this could cost you a fortune.
  • How crypto is disrupting the $64 billion art world and giving artists a new avenue of expression – free from censorship – and the counter intuitive reason why this is critically important.
  • CryptoPunk early investor reveals what he thinks is next for the NFT world… how you can get involved… and why they could be far more disruptive than most people realise.
  • Trading NFTs: How to profitably buy and sell NFTs without being an art critic, experienced trader, or needing any special skills (just follow this simple method).
  • Can NFTs help save the world? How entrepreneurs are using NFTs to save the rainforest, oceans, preserve ancient sights, and even fight climate change.
  • The Metaverse: Understanding the metaverse, why cryptocurrency plays a critical role, and how you can be an early investor in this new digital world.


The Rise of DeFi

Starring: Brian Rose, Tiana Laurence, Brock Pierce, Mance Harmon, Bryce Paul, Lamont Black, Alex Benfield, Martin Weiss, Jerry Tang, Giorgi Khazaradze.

  • How to earn 6-10% on your savings, with strictly limited risk, by cutting out the traditional financial system and putting your money in these cryptos.
  • Where all the smart money in crypto is flowing now (with a potential market of 7 BILLION people, this sector is due to experience exponential growth)
  • Why Bitcoin is on pace to hit $500,000 per coin – at a low estimate.
  • How to invest in cryptocurrency without facing the volatile price swings, uncertainty, and risks (plus: get the names of these cryptos, for free)
  • Break The Chains: How the Government uses money to control you and how DeFi can help free you and your loved ones from this servitude.
  • Former Wall Street trader explains how Stablecoins (dollar-pegged assets) are fuelling a colossal expansion in the crypto markets and how to profit from this growth. 
  • Proof: Why Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is one of the “biggest, most revolutionary technologies in the history of mankind” and what it means for the financial system.
  • How cryptocurrencies are reversing the multi-thousand year trend towards centralisation and top down control… and helping to restore power to the people. 
  • 20% returns per year? Here’s how to turn your crypto-holdings into a cash-cow (including the exact protocols we suggest)
  • The End of Wall Street: How crypto is a death-sentence to major banks, brokerages, and institutions – and why they’re trying to pivot to survive. 
  • The “red flags” to watch for when investing in new cryptocurrencies (avoid these at your own peril)


The Sovereign Individual

Starring: Justin Rezvani, Marty Bent, Mike Dillard, Matthew McKibbin, Daniel Zuckerman, Josh Malinkovich, Jeremy Gardner, and more.

  • How your freedom of speech is under attack by Silicon Valley marxists and how one cryptocurrency company is fighting to restore your God-given rights.
  • The Social Dilemma: How Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram exploit your data to make billions, and how you can take back control of this invaluable asset.
  • Why crypto is the only way to turn back the tide of cancel culture, censorship, and the growing authoritative leanings of politicians all across the world.
  • How Bitcoin Mining could help states keep taxes low, improve social services, and even pay their citizens a yearly dividend – while freeing them from Federal control.
  • The Dark Side of the Blockchain: How bad actors could exploit this technology to create an 1984-esque dystopian world. (Plus: how we can stop this)
  • How crypto fights censorship and restores personal sovereignty by cutting out all the middlemen, gatekeepers, and bureaucrats that have controlled us for hundreds of years.
  • Plus much, much more!


Crypto Vs. Fiat

Starring: Cecil Robles, Susan Oh, Oscar Garcia, Brock Pierce, Sathvik Vishwanath, Dr. Jane Thomason, Lamont Black, and others.

  • US Digital Dollar? The Government’s token is NOT a real crypto but instead a new way for the Government to gain more control over your life. 
  • How the blockchain can help alleviate poverty by opening the banking system to billions of people globally – and what this will do to the price of cryptocurrencies.
  • How the banking system is secretly stealing 8-10% of your income every year and how to get that money back by moving to the DeFi universe.
  • NAMED: The #1 crypto that’s bringing banking to billions of the “unbanked”
  • “Bitcoin is used by criminals” – exposing the truth behind this media created lie designed to persuade people away from investing in cryptocurrencies.
  • The #1 target regulators have in their crosshairs, and why (Plus: the reason why they won’t be able to stop the flood of assets into crypto)
  • How the Federal Reserve has so brutally debased the currency that they’ve backed themselves into a corner they can’t get out of (and what it means for your savings, your wealth, and your future).
  • Plus much, much more!


The Dark Side of Crypto

Starring: Congressman Warren Davidson, Justin Newton, George Vukotich, Richard Little, Josh Lawler, Daniel Conover, Lyn Ulbricht, and more

  • Government insider reveals what’s being discussed behind closed doors in Washington (want to know what Congress really thinks of crypto, you need to see this)
  • Why fears of regulation killing cryptocurrency are overblown and misunderstood (Plus: the reason why the Government can’t stop the adoption of crypto, no matter what they try) 
  • Crypto Scams: Red flags to look out for… danger signs to avoid… and stories from the trenches that have lost investors millions of dollars.
  • The Truth About The Silk Road: Ross Ulbrich’s Mom comes clean on  Ross’s corrupt trial and what you can learn from the Government’s treatment of this case.
  • Why the people calling for “no regulation” of the crypto markets have it wrong and why regulation would be a net-positive for the markets.
  • Plus much, much more!


Crypto Vs. Climate

Starring: Fred Theil, Spencer Marr, Gary Testa, Alex Brammer, Al Meissner, and more.

  • Bitcoin Mining, explained. How Mining works, why it’s important, and how you can get started as miner to potentially earn extra income.
  • Why Bitcoin Mining does NOT cause climate change… as you’ll discover it’s actually environmentally beneficially in several different ways.
  • How to exploit the “Duck Curve” as a crypto-miner to maximize your profit potential (and why mining without this will probably cost you money).
  • How crypto-mining is driving the next phase of Clean Energy innovation
  • Plus much, much more!

Here’s what people say after
watching all of the episodes

Sherri T.

The entire series was amazing, I learned so much! Thank you Michael for your hard work!

Theophilus L.

Thanks! LOVE what you guys are doing – I’m a big fan and the series has connected a lot of dots for me!

Josh M.

This series is truly incredible. Every episode I have seen so far has been extraordinarily insightful.



There’s never been a more urgent time for this information.

We’re currently fighting multiple economic, social, and political crises. 

Bare shelves… labor shortages… supply chain bottlenecks… out of control money printing… trillions in unpayable Government debt… a looming gas and energy disaster… inflation hitting a 30 year high…

On top of which we’re seeing blatant censorship… increasingly totalitarian politics… invasions of our privacy… Government control of the money supply… suppression of free speech and rolling back of our rights. 

The silver lining to all this chaos is that it has converged to create the “perfect storm” for cryptocurrencies. And as this storm grows in strength, I believe we’ll see millions of new people flood into crypto. 

As you’ll learn during Uncensored Crypto, the technology at the heart of the movement can help solve many of the issues we face as a society. 

Unfortunately, this information has been kept from you. 

The powers that be don’t want you to see it. The mainstream media has conspired to keep it from you. They’ve fed you false information, sowed seeds of doubt and division, and painted crypto in the worst possible light.

But as Fortune Magazine writes:

“Crypto offers freedom from
financial and political repression”

With Uncensored Crypto you’ll discover the truth.

Straight from the people at the forefront of this revolution. 

That’s why it’s so critical that you watch this series. The future is at stake.

But one viewing isn’t enough to grasp the secrets shared by our 57 industry insiders.

And as cryptocurrencies continue their unstoppable march forward, as trillions of dollars and billions of people flood into the market, you’re going to want to revisit and review the invaluable information revealed in each episode time and time again.

That’s why I want you to claim lifetime on-demand access to Uncensored Crypto, so you can watch it over and over until you truly grasp how significant this movement is…

And how important a role it plays in creating a world worth handing down to future generations.

That’s why I’m making the entire series available to you for the tiniest of investments. In the past, the ability to own the entire series was only available for $97 or more…

But through this page only, you can own the entire series for a fraction of that.


Katrina K.

I love this series and how empowering this is for the people!

Robert O.

Uncensored Crypto was amazing, thank you! Fully all in.

John A.

Loving the Uncensored Crypto series! Well done!

What will change our future?

Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”

In other words — we have to change the way we think about things if we hope to get a better result.

The world is on a dangerous path. Uncensored Crypto elevates your thinking and shows you what’s possible… if we participate in the crypto revolution.

If not Uncensored Crypto, then what will change our thinking so we can create a better future?

“I don’t know” is not an acceptable answer, unless you think the world is already on the right path.

If not, the logical choice is to claim Uncensored Crypto (and all of the bonuses below) for yourself by clicking one of the buttons on this page that say “CLICK HERE FOR ON-DEMAND VIEWING”.


Bonus #8- Genesis (aka The Lost Episode) [PLATINUM ONLY]

Bonus #1: Genesis (aka The Lost Episode)


We filmed 100+ hours of footage for Uncensored Crypto, and fitting everything into the series was impossible. Yet some of the content was too good to leave on the cutting room floor.

So we put together this bonus episode featuring the best bits that didn’t find a home in the final series. 

Mike Dillard, Brian Rose, Bryce Paul, Waldon Fenster, Mark Lack, Cecil Robles, and others all bring the heat to explain why crypto is the most important technological leap forward in centuries, what it means for YOU, and how fortunes will be made. 

This episode will never be made available for public viewing. It is only available to those who invest in owning the series for on-demand viewing. And only available to those who choose the Platinum Package below.

Unaired 1-9

Bonus #2: The Un-Aired Final Episode

Valued at $294

Publicly, Uncensored Crypto was a 9-part docuseries…

However, we have reserved a secret unaired 10th episode.

It’s by far the most controversial, and potentially lucrative of the entire series, which is why it’s strictly for insiders only.

When you purchase lifetime on-demand access to Uncensored Crypto, you’ll get exclusive access to this final episode where you’ll hear BONUS content from Brock Pierce, Jerry Tang, Eric Wade, Mark Lack, Justin Little, Bryce Paul reveal…

  • The FIRST step billionaire investor Brock Pierce suggests you take if you’re new to investing in crypto… the coin he recommends… and how you can mitigate your risk.
  • David Namdar outlines his crypto investing 101 on how to get started, the accounts you need, what wallet to use, and what to do with your first couple of trades.
  • How to invest in Bitcoin without opening a wallet, creating a crypto account, navigating any confusing exchanges, or even buying a single cryptocurrency… just invest in this one ETF via your regular brokerage account.
  • Eric Wade explains why, when investigating projects to invest in, you must NEVER compare them to stocks or equities… and why crypto investing is a different kettle of fish.
  • The #1 question you must ask yourself before investing in any cryptocurrency – no matter how exciting it may seem on the surface or how much it has recently surged.
  • Warning: Why a coin’s underlying technology alone is NOT enough to make it a good investment… and why it must have this “foundational” pillar in place to be successful.
  • How to think like a venture capitalist…
  • The importance of Tokenomics and why this can make or break a crypto (plus, how to analyze a crypto’s tokenomics before investing)
  • Mark Lack’s “outsiders” guide on how to research promising opportunities… and the questions you must ask yourself before committing to any cryptocurrency investment.
  • Plus, much, much more.


Frankly, this episode alone is worth the entire cost of lifetime access to Uncensored Crypto, but it’s yours free along with everything else on this page.

Bonus #3: Uncut, Full-Length Video Interviews of all 57 Uncensored Crypto Guests  

Valued at $184

The docuseries episodes are just the start of your journey into the exciting new world of decentralization. While creating the “polished product,” we had to leave almost 100 hours of footage on the cutting room floor. Here’s the thing: I don’t want you to miss any of this footage.

That’s why I’m giving you access to each of the FULL uncut and uncensored 56 interviews. And the only way to see this footage is by purchasing lifetime access to Uncensored Crypto.


Robert H.

Well done for putting this all together. Initially I had started to think I had missed the train… but now realize that this is literally just the start of it.


I really love the series, there’s so much valuable information and interesting perspectives. Keep rocking!

Johnny J.

Awesome episodes – amazing amazing docuseries!


Let’s face it — the world is in trouble. Authoritarian elites want to control everything about your life. They have declared war on the “little people.”

Disagree with their decrees? Your bank account — frozen.

Think wrong thoughts? Banned. For life. 

Dare to speak out? They want the power to take everything from you.

All they require is your slave-like obedience. And they hate you if you deny it

What can we do to fight back?

How can anyone who wasn’t born into a wealthy, powerful family hope to change the course of human history?

The only answer I am aware of is the decentralizing technology we all know as “crypto.”

This is about far more than a selfish pursuit of wealth, for the sake of wealth. This is about creating a better world for our children and grandchildren and for future generations.

It is about freedom. About returning power back to “we, the People” in a way that is creative, not destructive.

And those things matter.

That’s why I strongly encourage you to claim Uncensored Crypto for yourself and those you love today.

Click below to complete your order now:


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